Available Products

Pathway of the Sage Online Shamanic Training Course

In depth shamanic study series that is a cumulation of over a decade of shamanic practice and teaching with international speaker, author, and artist; Katie Jo Finai.

Learn ancient truths, practices, and philosophies of the Wise Ones throughout the ages. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Shadow, Balance, Ascend. This is a comprehensive and universal training offers insights from Celtic Shamanism, the Munay Ki, North American, South American, Toltec, and Huichol Shamanic ways. This is a global understanding of Shamanism.

Explore the similarities and differences between the oldest practices of spirituality on the planet from across the globe. Each month study and practice ancient teachings and ceremonies from the world. Learn about Spirit Tools and how to use them: Drum, Rattle, Drumstick, Smudge Fan, Medicine Bag, and more.

Online Course $188 

Join our 9 month program in person, meeting once a month in Utah for $2288 learn more at sagecanvas.com

7 Week Series Basics of Shamanism and Munay Ki Archetypes

This is an interactive online course, basic foundation and principles of Munay Ki Shamanism. Simple concepts, ceremonies, and study to grasp a comprehensive understanding of shamanic philosophy.

Week by Week study, recommendations, journaling, practices, study the 7 Archetypes of the Munay Ki and how they work to influence the cycle of growth we all experience. 

Course is $27

Sacred Spaces: How to Open and Clear Energetic Space

It's more important than ever to know how to open and clear energetic space. This short online class is simple and interactive, giving you instant tools and understanding of how to protect yourself, your home, and heal the Earth. 


How to Facilitate a Drum Circle

Learn the mechanics and energetic components of facilitating a ceremonial drum circle for clearing energy. 


Sound Healing Basics and Science with Katie Jo

This is a foundational video to teach the science behind why sound healing works. 

Learn the important terms you need to know to be a sound healer and what they mean. 

Learn why sound waves make a difference for people in overall health. 


How to Create a Prosperity Crystal Grid

Watch this Short 5 minute video to learn how to make a crystal grid to manifest PROSPERITY!!! 



Katie Jo


Untold Stories of Motherhood Author Chapter Submission

This collaboration book is the gathering of women's voices. Stories of motherhood that we have inside of us, how our motherhood journey has molded us; through the experience of our own mothers and grandmothers; as well as our children. 

Motherhood is the gift and the burden- both of which we treasure. It is the hardest, and most painful experience of life- and also the most fulfilling, loving, joyful and endearing. 

This collaboration of motherhood stories is meant to speak to every mother. All definitions of mother, all varying ways and ideals; the beautiful and the raw. 

The laughter and tears, the heartache and heart-healing. 

Let's tell it how it is. 

Sage Canvas Studio Monthly Membership

Sage Canvas is a wellness studio in Lehi, Utah focusing on weekly and monthly events and programs for health and wellness.

Receive over $200 in value for just $55

Video How to Lower Drum Tone

Simple short video on how to lower a high pitched leather handdrum.


How to Make Your Own MOON Bath TEA

Use this recipe for Full Moon or New Moon baths!

Great for revitalizing and connecting you to your intuition. 

In the Spirit of Business 8 Weeks

Are you a Soul Centered Entrepreneur that wants to change the world?
This is a week by week program teaching:
Clear Message Marketing
Branding your Business
Create your Sales Presentation
Learn to Speak Publicly
How to capture sales at events
Scheduling appointments
Create memberships & Online Classes
Website basics

View these recorded classes taught by Katie Jo, best selling author, business leader, studio owner, and top sales producer.

Just $97 for this recorded online class an $888 value!

How to be a Successful Public Speaker

There's a simple format to public speaking that applies to any form of speech you deliver.

Katie Jo is a best selling author and international public speaker who has traveled the world and spoken to audiences in the thousands. 

She uses this format and these techniques on every presentation she gives. It's simple, tried and true. 

Just $47

This simple outline and protocol can earn you thousands of dollars.

Connect to your Power Animal

Have you ever wondered if you have a Power Animal? This short class and meditation describes what the Power Animal realm is and offers a meditation for you to meet (remember) your Power Animal. A step by step questionnaire is included too. 


Energetic Business Membership

Build your energy based business with monthly 60 min one on one sessions and brainstorms with Katie Jo. Have access to all new and upcoming online courses. Co-create your sales pitches, memberships, online courses, and four graphic designs for social media and promotional material. 

Katie Jo is a sales leader, business owner, professional public speaker, best selling author and owner of a wellness studio. With twenty years experience in sales and marketing and graphic design.

$111 per month.

Sacred Geometry, Sound Waves, Mandalas, and Grids

Forms and hand outs to create your own energy clearing grids using mandalas and learning about the Fibonacci sequence and sound waves affect on energy, water, and environment.

Sound Treatment Practitioner Graduate Membership

Use the large open shared space on Thursdays from 12-5pm to take your own personal client sessions. 

Be added to the Sage Canvas Sound Practitioner Referral list for Sage Canvas clients to book with when looking for treatment.

Attend all upcoming Sound Treatment Certification trainings for just $111 instead of $333. (regular return student fee)

Host your own sound baths at Sage Canvas using our equipment valued at over $30,000 for just $50 an hour.

New Beginnings and New Start

Create the New Beginning you are looking for. 

Worksheets to use for the New Year or any time you are ready to refresh and reset. 

Guided audio meditations for your visualization.

Break Through Meditation and Worksheet to acknowledge and let go of the past.

Tree of Life Calling forth your perfect Clients Meditation

Life Visualization Meditation to get clarity on your perfect path and future.

Creation Mandala form and activity.

Donate to Katie Jo Advocacy for Women's Stories

Raising $77000 to share the message of Katie Jo's platform world wide TV Show. 

Katie Jo has spent 20 years advocating for women through Domestic Violence causes, Human Trafficking, Breast Cancer, and published books including Untold Stories of Motherhood; gathering stories of women to cast light on the shadows that motherhood can bring. 

She has spoken on stages with Marianne Williamson, and the Four Indigenous Grandmothers of the United Nations as she shares her passion for Divine Feminine.

She is being highlighted in a new series with 15 other women who are also sharing their platforms to create good in the world. 

Any donation matters. All donations count. 

As a thank you, for every donation, I am including the Pathway of the Sage online course for free.

Sacred Excursion Email List

Do you want to travel to sacred sites across the world and learn from the wisdom that is still imprinted and coded there? 

Join our email list (for free) and receive news on places we visit, and suggestions of where to go. Be invited to gather with our sacred excursion groups for ceremony, meditation, learning, and more as we visit these sites. 

Studio Rental Inquiry

Studio rental inquiry.

Sage Canvas is a wellness studio in Lehi, Utah founded in 2020. Featuring Sound Baths, Drum Circles, Breathwork, and more. Sage Canvas hosts training in Sound Healing, Shamanic Philosophy and Practices, Reiki.We offer special events and

intuitive trainings, private practitioner treatment sessions including a Vibroacoustic Sound Bed where medically verified healing frequencies vibrate throughout the whole body as you relax.

Sage Canvas located right off the freeway exit on Main Street in the eclectic Historical District and is over 120 years old. We are a great option for photographers needing studio space or conferences and events for groups of 10-50. Chairs and tables available upon request.

Our retail showroom is in the former bank vault and our specialty is in ancient antique Himalayan Singing Bowls over 500 years old, handmade leather drums, and original art pieces by Sage Canvas owner, Katie Jo Finai.

Soul Sketch Intuitive Message

Your soul has a message for you, you are never alone, and guidance is just a breath away.

Katie has a unique ability to “tune in” to your hearts whisper and then sketch the intuitive message received.

These 8x8 sketches are created on wooden panel canvas with oil pastels, and graphite; a lifelong treasure to remind you who you truly are.

Orders are received by and completed by the 20th monthly.


Join us for a FREE DRUM CIRCLE at the American Fork Amphitheater to gather for The World.

No beginning or end. No first or last. No one higher or lower than another.
We are ONE.

This is SUBSTANCE FREE and family friendly.
Vendor booths will be there with amazing products and services available!

Bring a chair/blanket to sit on and drums.

4pm Vendor booths
4:30pm Sound Bath
5:15pm Breathwork
6-6:30pm Meditation
7-9pm Drum Circle

Register here for updates.

Speaker Slot for Motherhood Event Storytelling

Join Sage Canvas in Lehi for a Story telling event as a speaker. Receive 20 minutes of speaking time to tell your story, offer insights, promote your business, and gain exposure. 

Chosen speakers will receive 5 free tickets for personal guests to attend.

$200 to be a speaker if chosen.

$10 application fee

If chosen, application fee will be credited to your $200 speaking fee. 

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